School Events

Coronation picnic celebrations

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28th March 2023
Despite the rain we set up ready for you to bring uniform you did't need and swap for something else. We plan to hold another swap in the summer term.
Preloved uniform can also be found in the office lobby, please help yourself to anything you can use.

23rd March 2023 - Tollesbury School makes ITV news
Tollesbury Climate Partnership (TCP) has launched the Tollesbury School Decarbonisation Project!
This ambitious scheme will reduce the school’s carbon footprint by 90%, save the school money on its energy bills and help fight climate change. The project will also be encouraging pupils to become decarbonising champions, helping us spread the message within our community. TCP has already helped the school secure over £400,000 of grant funding for the project, and will shortly be launching a community share offer to raise the remaining £200,000. Community shares will give people the opportunity to buy shares in TCP to fund the work, with TCP looking to return investors’ money, plus interest, over ten years. For further information please visit where you can pledge you support.
With the support of our community we can help make the school, and the village that we love, more sustainable. Many thanks Tollesbury Climate Partnership
17th March 2023 Red Nose Day
Thank you to everyone, by showing your support we raised £182.84 for Red Nose Day.

2nd March 2023 World Book Day
The day started with a whole school assembly, where the children were able to show off their amazing costumes. So much time and thought had been put into the costumes. Riley even wrote his own book and dressed up as one of his characters!
The rest of the day was spent talking about books and learning about different authors. The children also spent time reading with other year groups and enjoying sharing books. Some of the children also took part in our book swap. What a fantastic day!

14th December 2022

Year 1 and 2 Nativity
We hope you all enjoyed our festive performance. We had a lot of fun learning our parts. Just a few pictures from the day.
3rd December Tree planting
Tollesbury Climate partnership (TCP) had been awarded a Tree of Trees” a tree from the living sculpture that was outside Buckingham Palace for the Queens Jubilee. It was in recognition of the planting carried out by the people of Tollesbury on March this year, it’s been quite an honour!
Two of your school councillors Henry C (Vice-chair) and Buddie (Treasurer) attended the ceremony and placed out Tollesbury School logo on the “Tree of Trees”
The ceremony was held by TCP and the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Essex. Many local groups joined us with their own logo and also hung them up on the Tree.
By Henry and Buddie
14th December 2022

Year 1 and 2 Nativity
We hope you all enjoyed our festive performance. We had a lot of fun learning our parts. Just a few pictures from the day.
3rd December Tree planting
Tollesbury Climate partnership (TCP) had been awarded a Tree of Trees” a tree from the living sculpture that was outside Buckingham Palace for the Queens Jubilee. It was in recognition of the planting carried out by the people of Tollesbury on March this year, it’s been quite an honour!
Two of your school councillors Henry C (Vice-chair) and Buddie (Treasurer) attended the ceremony and placed out Tollesbury School logo on the “Tree of Trees”
The ceremony was held by TCP and the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Essex. Many local groups joined us with their own logo and also hung them up on the Tree.
By Henry and Buddie

19th November 2022
Children in Need! Thank you to everyone who showed there colours and spots!

3rd October 2022
We welcomed our Grandparents to join us for a Harvert Tea Party.

July 2022
4 groups of our Year 6 children during July will be taking part in Bikeabilty. This is such an important life skill. Well done everyone

7th July 2022
Congratulations to Millie who's winning design has today been made for todays lunch by Mrs Barwick. We hope everyone enjoys your cupcakes including your family who you are taking some home for.

28th June 2022
After enjoying Sports day we held a sponsored run where we raised money for our cause of the year Noah's Rainbow. While sponsorship is still coming in to school out last count was over £250.00 which is amazing. If you wish to find out more you please follow this link which will take you to Noah's Rainbow facebook page

15th June 2022
Our annual Penny race. Congratulations to Banksy Class, and thank you to the TPA for organising.
7th June 2022
Our Platinum Jubilee whole school picnic.