Welcome to Van Gogh Class

Helping hands 26th March 2024
Year 3 decided to host a French Helping Hands. As a new language for us, we wanted to share all we have learned with our grown ups and create some work together using our new skills. We had a great morning, writing, listening and talking in French as well as practising our art skills to create a brand new French display.

Mell farm
On Monday 18th March 2024, Year 3 was lucky enough to visit Mell Farm. A fantastic time was had by all of us as we saw and fed the cows and sheep and their young. We also enjoyed running across the fields to the gate before we climbed up to the top of the tower to look across the River Blackwater and make our own sheep. We even managed to link our visit to our local Geography work and our Science learning about shadows. We had such a good time that we wished we could have stayed all week!
13th February - Let’s Go Fly A Kite
During this term, we have been researching and learning about kites, their parts and different types and designs. We created our own design brief and criteria and then used a range of materials and tools to construct our kites. We also used saws and wood and remembered to ‘measure twice and cut once’. We helped each other and are all incredibly proud of ourselves. We are also having a kite festival to see how well our kites will fly – we can’t wait!

Febraury 2024 - Black Rock
In Van Gogh class, we are currently writing our own narratives based on the story of The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd-Stanton. We have enjoyed looking at the book and thinking about each part of the plot as we write stories using exciting adjectives, powerful verbs, and adverbs together with a range of sentence lengths to create tension.
As part of our learning, we took part in an Experience Day where we created boats from our tables and used drama to recreate falling overboard as well as seeing the wonderful world under Black Rock. We tried on lifejackets, looked at hand-held radios and created conversations, dropped the anchor, used rope from a boat to steady ourselves and listened to the incredibly loud sound of a real foghorn.
Under the water, we discussed sea creatures living around Black Rock and realised it wasn’t as terrifying as we first thought. We also used our imaginations and emotions to decide how Erin (our main character) would have felt at each stage of her adventure. It was a brilliant lesson, and we loved every second!

January 2024 - Invaders and Settlers
We have been studying Invaders and Settlers during our History lessons. We have looked at Romans and Celts and life in Britain around 43AD. Working in small groups, we researched armies, clothes, food and farming and day to day life. We presented our findings to the rest of the class and then discussed what we had learned and the differences between live as a Celt and ours.

October 2023 - Helping Hands
We welcomed grown ups into Year 3 for their Helping Hands session. In their Design and Technology lessons, the children have been researching, designing, and making juggling balls. With the help of family, the children were sewing seams today. Next week they are going solo and having a go themselves! We look forward to seeing the finished product….and a bit of juggling perhaps?!