Welcome to Matisse Class

Mell farm visit 19th March 2024
We had a lovely visit to Mell farm, learning lots about all the animals.

Helping Hands March 2024
It was lovely to see so many visitors in year 2 today for Helping Hands. The children were set the challenge of designing a new bedroom. Now, that may sound easy, but Mrs. Gough had told the children the exact size that their furniture had to be. They then had to cut out their furniture and stick it on their plans. A great way to practice measuring skills! Thank you for everyone’s Helping Hands.
19th January 2024
Year 2 went to Stansted Aerozone. We were welcomed by Alex who talked through our day and some history about Stansted airport.
We had 4 activities we could do through the day. We enjoyed dressing up as pilots, firemen, police officers and flight attendants. We got to use the tannoy and pretend we were flight attendants on the plane serving food. Making paper airplanes and use the Xbox flight simulator was also fun. We also got to look at some science activities involving making bridges and looking at heat sensors.
Our favourite part of the day was to go and watch the planes on the runway. We got to watch different airplanes land and take off. The pilots even flashed their lights and waved to us through their windows. It was all very exciting.
A fun day had by all.
Thank you to Mrs Howland, Mrs Watts, Mrs Hockley, Mrs Waterhouse and Mrs Nicholson for coming along to help.
October 2023
Artists can be collectors. Today Year 2 were collectors. Year 2 went into the nature Garden to look for natural objects that could be used to create an abstract sculpture. The children had to find 2 objects that they thought were interesting to add to the sculpture.
![IMG_2057[1] IMG_2057[1]](/essex/primary/tollesbury/arenas/websitecontent/web/img_2057[1]_20231101103152644.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)