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Welcome to Banksy Class

Year 6 class photo

Kingwood parents presentation

Kingswood parent meeting.mp4Menu

Science day 28th March 2024

On science day, Year 6 were given equal amounts of plasticine. They had to create boats that would float and carry as many passengers as possible. Their designs were very inventive!

Mell Farm 20th March 2024

Year 6 had a wonderful afternoon at the farm. We saw lots of signs of spring, learnt about the cattle and lambs. We went to the tower to do a craft activity and learn about the different types of teeth animals had. 

Febraury 2024

In Year 6 Banksy we have been learning about crime and punishment in different historical eras. Each crime would mean a harsh punishment - the more troublesome the crime, the harsher the sentence. The photos show our learning about crime in Norman and Tudor times. We interviewed a Norman who had had his hand cut off for poaching and a Norman Lord who had to enforce this punishment for the king.  We also heard from a Tudor homeless person who had been whipped for begging. It turned out the Tudor lord had seized his home and then punished him for begging. We were relieved we didn't live in these eras. 


By Demi, Amelia and Mrs Masters

fungi watercolour

October 2023

We have been learning about microorganisms. We studied fungus (mushrooms) and then learnt to paint them using watercolours.

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