Welcome to Kandinsky Class - Year 4
Class Teacher: Mrs Crees
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Friess, Mrs Emson

22nd June 2022
We welcomed our adults to come and help us in class. I think they did a really good job!

22nd March 2022
We visited Layer Marney Tower for a day exploring the Stone Age. We were lucky enough to become archaeologists and find real tools, arrows and bones from thousands of years ago. Working in the courtyard of the Tower, as people from the Stone Age, we then caught our dinner, crossed a river and tried to create fire from flint. It was exhausting but we managed it all! After a lunch (and a wonderful time rolling down the hill and comparing the Tower itself to the Iron Man) we made pottery and created artwork using dots. Finally, we visited the goats, sheep and chickens. It was a fantastic day and we learnt so much about the Stone Age.
28th February 2022
In Geography and DT this week we have become designers and engineers to create a replicas t f 30 pieces of spaghetti and 10 marshmallows. We worked in teams with 10 minutes to design the structure and 30 minutes to construct it. At the end we measures the strength and stability by seeing if our tower remained upright for 30 seconds. We also measured the height - the tallest being 51 cm.

25th February 2022
We created a forest atmosphere using music, our senses an imaginations! We worked in small groups to create word banks of expanded noun phrases, powerful verbs, feelings and alliteration

2nd February 2022
We have been reading "The Iron Man" Working as a team we chalked our own Iron Man. We then used expanded noun phrases, alliterations, similes and onomatopoeias to label our creations.
10th January 2022
We enjoyed a European food tasting experience today. We tasted traditional foods from Italy, France, Spain and England.
We tried focaccia bread, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and green olives from Italy. Baguette and brie from France. Chorizo, salchichon, iberico cheese and sundried tomatoes from Spain, and scones, jam and clotted cream from England.
We all had great fun.
11th November 2021
We have been learning about states of matter. We have classified material into solids, liquids and gases.
Which one does shaving foam fit into?
15th October 2021
In Year 4 we practised our addition and subtraction skills whilst spending money in our shop. We became shop keepers and customers. We had so much fun, especially when Mrs Garnett spent some money with us.
27th September 2021
Despite the wind and the rain, Year 4 had a fantastic time at FACT.
The children had fun working as a team, solving puzzles, crossing the snow for cake and finding a safe passage through a wooden river! A wonderful sharing lunch and prize giving rounded the day off perfectly. Mrs Crees and Mrs Rushen were very proud of all the children for showing all the skills needed for a great team.
September 2021
We have built word banks of synonym. We worked in groups to collate words for big, said, little and nice.
In science, we have been working hard on our new Electricity topic. we have created Electrical safety leaflets to display around the school.