Welcome to Tollesbury EYFS Class for September 2023
Welcome to Tollesbury School.
This page will be updated to keep you informed of all the information you will need to help prepare you and you child for joining us in September.
Dates for your diary
7th June - Parents talk 6:00pm onwards - Uniform ordering deadline.
13th June - Stay and play for your child 2:00pm - 3:00pm
27th June - Stay and play for your child 2:00pm - 3:00pm
6th July - Stay and play including lunch 9:30am - 12:30pm
Phased school start
Thursday 7th September 9 am -12 midday (come to school through the large green gates, collect from the side gates near the scooter shed)
Friday 8th September 9am – 12 midday (come to school through the large green gates, collect from the side gates near the scooter shed)
Monday 11th September 8.50am – 1pm (come to school through the large green gates, collect from the side gates near the scooter shed)
Tuesday 12th September 8.50am – 1pm (come to school through the large green gates, collect from the side gates near the scooter shed)
Wednesday 13th September onwards 8.50am – 3.20pm (come to school through the large green gates, collect from the classroom door)