School Council
The school council meet regularly. During our meetings we discuss how to make the school even better than it is already.
Class Representatives for 2024-2025
- Year 1 – Erin and Humphrey
- Year 2 – Avabelle and James
- Year 3 – Daisy and Oscar
- Year 4 – Freya and Dexter
- Year 5 – Mia and William
- Year 6 - Evie and George B
- Chair - Poppy
- Vice Chair - Oliver
- Secretary - Rory
School Council News
This year, our School Council have chosen another local organisation to raise money for and support. This is the Tollesbury Scouting and Girl Guiding groups, consisting of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. These groups support young people in achieving their full potential.
During our School Council meetings, we have already decided upon fund raising ideas that we will be actioning during the Spring and Summer Terms.
We are also focusing on our local environment and want our Class Council representatives to go on a litter picking mission!
We are constantly discussing new meals for our School menu so they children can have a balanced and fun diet.
We look forward to updating you with our fund-raising efforts.
Chair and Vice-Chair

25th April - Litter Pick
On 25th April 2024, Tollesbury School Council went litter picking at the Rec. We headed off at lunchtime picking up litter on the way. We partnered up to keep everybody safe, and we didn’t pick up anything in the road. When we got to the Rec, we set off with Hi-Viz jackets and litter picker to find as much rubbish as possible,
We managed to get about half a bag full before we returned to school. All of our team enjoyed it and everyone is keen to do it again,
Evie (Chair) and Owen (Year 6 school council class representative)
"Wear your uniform or non-uniform" day
We held a “wear your uniform or non-uniform” day to raise funds for this year’s chosen charities; Tollesbury Scouts and Guides movements.
Thank you to everyone who supported our day.

16th June 2023
On Friday 16th June, we all came in wearing our own clothes. In return, we had to bring in some food or other items which were donated to the local village Larder. We collected nine full crates and we’re extremely proud of ourselves for helping our local community.
Year 6 School Council representative

3rd February 2023
On Friday 3rd February 2023, Tollesbury School had a charity non-uniform day in return for a food donation to the Tollesbury Larder (our school charity for this year). John Dorsett, who runs The Larder, brought crates for us to place the food in. We only expected to fill one or two crates…..we filled 10 boxes full to the brim! We are really proud of the School Council who organised the day and to everyone who donated to the charity. Thank you to all the parents and carers who contributed.
We hope to plan another charity day soon.
Elvi - Chair, Henry -Vice-Chair, Buddie (Treasurer)
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Friday 3rd February we are having a charity non-uniform day and contributing food to our local charity, Tollesbury Food Larder. School council have emailed the Larder asking for specific items they are in need of. We understand not everyone is able to donate food, but all contributions will go to those who desperately need it in our local community. We have sorted the food requested into groups for each class to bring in – similar to the Christmas hampers.
Items for each class –
- EYFS – Size 7 nappies and teabags (boxes of 40)
- Year 1 – Blackcurrant Squash and washing up liquid.
- Year 2 – Orange Juice and tinned fruit.
- Year 3 – Hot Chocolate (powders in tins) and tinned meatballs
- Year 4 – Mayonnaise and chicken paste
- Year 5 – Tined ham, salmon paste and long life semi skimmed milk.
- Year 6 – Tinned Macaroni Cheese, Jars of coffee and tinned rice pudding.
All donations will be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Elvi, Henry and Buddie
Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer of Tollesbury School Council
September 2022
Our chosen charity this year is Kids Inspire, and organisation that is passionate about helping children with mental health issues and trauma recovery.
They offer many different therapies, sensitive to the child’s own needs. Like private counselling and creative sessions.
We already have lots of ideas for fundraising events and can’t be more excited to be raising money for Kids Inspire.
Elvi and Henry
17th July 2021
The School Council and Sports Council have worked together to link a fundraising event with Sports day and so we will be participating in a sponsored run around the school field over the course of next week, in aid of Little Havens Children's Hospice which is our chosen charity for this year.
Please see below to watch a Video from Emily and Teddy, the chairs of the School and Sports Councils respectively, explaining the event.
8th March 2019
Our year 6 and 5 School council representatives attended a joint Blackwater Partnership meeting held at the Plume Academy MRC.
They spent the morning with other schools discussing a rang of environmental issues.
Councillor John Whittingdale addressed the group sharing the councils conservations issues. The children also took part in a range of workshops led by students from The Plume. A fun and informative morning was had by all.