Tollesbury School

Tollesbury School
Belong, Discover, Achieve


Tollesbury School Board of Governors

Co-opted governors

Mr Stephen Leatherdale  (Chair of Governors)

Mrs Katrina Bickell (Vice Chair)

Mr Andrew Gilbert

Mrs Emma Howland

Mrs Helen Tovey

Mr Jeremy Halford

Mr Steven Davidson

Mrs Joanna Boaler


Parent Governors

Ms Jessica Hodge

Mr Paul Merchant


Staff Governors

Mrs Kate Garnett (Headteacher)

Mrs Janaki Murthy (Teaching Staff)

Link Classes

Our governors are each linked to a class.  They take a special interest in that class and follow them through their school career.  

Picasso Class (EYFS)  -  Mrs Katrina Bickell

Monet Class (Year 1) -  Mr Stephen Leatherdale

Matisse Class (Year 2) - Mrs Jessica Hodge and Mr Andrew Gilbert

Van Gogh Class (Year 3) - Mrs Susan Wootten

Kandinsky Class (Year 4) - Mrs Helen Tovey

Renoir Class (Year 5) -  Vacant

Banksy Class (Year 6) - Mrs Emma Howland

Schools financial benchmarking

GOV.UK has a self-assessment dashboard where you can find the latest data for our school and compare our school to other similar schools. 

Schools financial benchmarking

Governance statement

Annual governance statement